How To Identify If The Stone Is Agate

There are certainly a lot of gemstones to choose from and every gemstone has some of its own properties that attract people. Gemstones are believed to have healing properties and many gemstones look alike due to their color, shape, transparency, and many more features or properties. So, if you are not a professional dealing with gemstones on a daily basis or a person who studies gemstones, it could be difficult for you to identify what stones you are holding.

Similar reasons could be a problem for people when they are looking for agate stone. The stone is similar to many other stones and if you want a particular stone for yourself, then you may not be able to find which one is the real agate stone. There are a lot of agate varieties like Plume agate, Iris agate, Moss agate, and many more types. However, we have here some very easy tips for you to identify if the stone is agate or not.

Check The Physical Properties And Appearance

You might require a hammer and chisel to decide the color and presence of your agate tests. Crack it open and you will see multicolored groups as concentric circles bowing towards the focal point of the stone or you will see horizontal lines. Feel the real weight of the stone as the agate stone looks thick and seems to weigh not as much as its genuine weight. The thickness of agate lies between 2.6 to 2.64 g/cm3 and for best outcomes, you can do the water uprooting test on your stone. At the point when you have cracked down the stone utilizing a hammer and chisel, move your fingers inside the stone and if it is genuine agate stone it will feel like a glass and waxy surface from inside. 

Check The Transparency Of Your Stone

Open the stone with a hammer and chisel if your example isn’t as of now torn open. The harsh outside of the agate will obstruct all light, so you’ll need to get it open to test the straightforwardness. To crack a bit of stone, place it on a strong, stable surface. Put the sharp finish of a chisel up to the stone, and afterward hit the opposite finish of the chisel with a hammer. One of the characterizing provisions of agate is its translucent quality. To decide how straightforward your example is, position the stone with the goal that it separates the light source and your eye. Agate shouldn’t be cleaned for it to be translucent, so this quality ought to be obvious in its normal state. Agate is translucent, which implies that solitary a portion of the light passes through. At the point when you hold the stone up to a light source, the colors of the agate should sparkle a bit and become more clear. If no light radiates through, then, at that point the stone is hazy. This shows that your example isn’t agate, however undoubtedly is jasper. Since agate is translucent, when you hold it over a picture of something, the image ought to have the option to be seen, however, it ought to be slightly obscured.

If you try these simple tips and apply them to your sample stone you can easily find if the stone that you are holding is the actual Agate or not. This does not really mean that you have a fake stone but it may be a possibility that you have some other similar-looking gemstone.







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