What to do if poisoned by plant

If you suspect that you or your pet have been poisoned by a plant, it’s very important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Depending on the plant and its toxicity, symptoms can appear within minutes or up to three days after exposure. If you know what type of plant has caused poisoning and how much time has passed since exposure, contact your vet immediately for help. The sooner treatment begins, the greater the chance of recovery — especially if there is an antidote available for the particular poison used in this instance.

How many plants are poisonous?

If you’re a human reading this, you’re probably wondering how many plants are poisonous to humans. The answer is: quite a lot of them. In fact, there’s an entire website dedicated to listing the poisonous plants in the world.

This list is not exhaustive, but it does include some of the most common and widespread poisonous plants that humans encounter on a regular basis. You might recognize some of these from your local park or public green space: poison oak and ivy. These two can cause severe rashes and itching for weeks after contact with their oils and sap, as well as blisters when touched by bare skin during prolonged periods of exposure (more than an hour). Poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix), which has similar properties to poison ivy/oak but grows in wetter areas along rivers, can also cause serious illness if ingested orally by children or pets who play near its root system without supervision.

How do you treat plant poisoning?

If you believe that you have been poisoned by a plant, do not go back to the same area. If possible, it is best to take the plant with you so that your physician can identify it and treat you appropriately.

If possible, remove the plant from your skin as soon as possible. Use soap and water to wash off any remaining residue or sap on your skin. Gently rinse away any dirt or debris with warm water until all traces of poison are gone from your body.

If swelling or pain persists after washing away all traces of poison, apply cool compresses over affected areas for 15 minutes every hour until symptoms subside (or until they don’t).

What are three remedies for poisonous plants?

  • Wash the area with soap and water: If you were exposed to an oil-based sap, such as poison ivy, wash it off as soon as possible by hosing down the affected area with lots of water. If there’s no time to do this outdoors or if your exposure was through your eyes or mouth, flush out your eyes or rinse your mouth out thoroughly.
  • Apply a paste of baking soda and water: Baking soda can help neutralize some plant toxins by neutralizing their pH levels; it also helps reduce inflammation in the skin where you’ve been exposed to an irritating plant (like poison oak). Mix together 1 tablespoon baking soda with 2 tablespoons of water until dissolved, then apply gently over any affected areas on your body for several minutes before rinsing off again with soap and water (or just plain warm water if there are no other options).
  • Apply a paste of vinegar and water: Vinegar will also reduce inflammation in plants’ oils when applied directly onto the skin; however, its effectiveness is limited because it doesn’t affect all types of poisons well enough to really work well as a remedy on its own—most importantly those containing alkaloids like nicotine from tobacco leaves or solanine found in potatoes!

Can lemon juice neutralize poison?

  • Lemon juice is acidic, which means it has a low pH. This can help neutralize the poison.
  • To make an antidote, mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of water (use more lemon juice if you have sensitive skin).
  • Do not use lemon on your skin; it can cause burns. If you are allergic to citrus, do not use this remedy.


So, remember, if you think you’ve been poisoned by a plant, don’t panic. First and foremost, always call 911 if someone is in critical condition. Otherwise, take a deep breath and try to remain calm while seeking medical attention. It may seem like a scary situation at first glance but with these tips and tricks up your sleeve, there’s nothing to worry about!






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