Enjoy the Pandemic On the Penny Boards

Corona Virus outbreak has been a major setback for the world..it has made us stop from our full of hustle life and given us a halt..we all re at a standstill and unfortunately, we cannot do anything about it. This pandemic has forced us to sit inside and do all the necessary things from the boundaries of our houses..which quite frankly started to get boring after a while. I mean, students are taking classes online- be it schools or colleges..people are working from home..and what happens when you stay at home for a very long time? The onset of lethargicness which in turn leads to weight gain and obesity and the worst, sitting ideal.

Now, to beat everything all this facade happening in our lives, we need to do something constructive in order to redeem all the sitting-at home-doing-nothing situation..here’s a list of things I think people of all age groups and all genders would like..it would give you a chance to step out in places which are safe and near to your house.(keeping social distancing in mind, of course)

  1. Painting: It is said that painting/coloring/drawing is a very good way to calm yourself..you can take a canvas/sketchbook to the nearest park or to the nearest picturesque place(where you can feel relaxed) and you can do your paintings.
  2. Dance class: If you are a dance lover or you would love to learn how to dance..you can join online classes..you can take your dance classes to the terrace or in your balcony to get more space and sweat it out in a fresher place.
  3. Penny boards: You can definitely buy a penny board and roll around on it..it is such a fun activity to do and it also makes you go outside your house, away from the bed for a bit..you can take the board in a park and give a whip at it. You can log into bestpennyboards.com to buy one for yourself and know more about it.
  4.  Go for a walk: With your mask on the face, sanitizer in your pocket and a bottle of water in the hand, you can go for a walk, run or a jog..no matter how your day has been, no matter how low you feel, a walk only for thirty minutes can change your mood and make you a little for energetic.
  5. Retail therapy: If you feel that going out to shop is dangerous at this time, so a little online retail therapy ain’t not hurting nobody..just make sure you enjoy what you do (and do not waste your money on things that you don’t need).
  6. Kindness: You can go and search people who might need your help with some money or food, help them while keeping the social distancing norms in mind (because of the pandemic, many have lost their jobs and don’t have the resources to make ends meet) or organize a clothes/medicine/food donation drive wherein you can ask the help of your neighbors in order to collect as much things as you can..to help a large number of people.

It is only about the arrangement of your mindset that you cannot do anything during this time..in fact, with the will power in mind and a strong determination, you can definitely keep yourself busy and active! 






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